Our Services for Governments

Strategic planning & Performance

NajjFarid Pro consultants can assist government agencies with their strategic planning process. Given the nature of strategic planning, all projects are tailored to the specific needs of the agency and can range from assisting agencies, cradle to grave, with the step-by-step process for formulating a strategic plan, to facilitating leadership strategic planning off-sites to developing implementation plans, our services in this domain includes: 

  • Create clearly-defined mission and vision statements, organizational values, environmental analysis.
  • Align program mission and performance measures for greater results and the ability to prioritize resource effectively.
  • Identify the strategic elements and key lessons learned from building results-oriented programs.
  • Learn how to use organizational goals and objectives to develop appropriate performance measure.
  • Design effective performance measures to implement goals and strategies.
  • Structure and align key indicators using several popular methodologies.
  • Implement and manage through data to execute strategic goals and objectives.
  • Learn how to develop and answer evaluation questions about program achievements.
  • Take advantage of proven processes for evaluation planning, performance management, and program reviews.
  • Strengthen accountability to support organizational growth and progress, particularly for budget request justifications.
  • Utilize Evidence-Based Analysis to justify budget requests and secure grand funding while stimulating innovation.

Change Management Programs

In today’s work environment, where change is stable and technology is changing, change management and availability of highly skilled change professionals are the main differences among successful and failing organizations. Organizations should be changing continuously, there are four steps to consider when managing change:

  • Step 1
    dentify what the change is and who will be affected
  • Step 2
    Communicate and consult with executives, employees and stakeholders
  • Step 3
    Monitor and deal with resistance
  • Step 4
    Evaluate results and get prepared for further waves of changes

Digital Transformation 

Realizing the Power of Digital Government…
Digital government services leverage emerging technology and a government’s own vast data to better serve citizens. CM’s approach in digital transformation for governments unlocks the potential for greater effectiveness, efficiency, and innovation—and change at scale. Our Offerings in Digital Government: 

Digital Strategy and Roadmaps

Digitization at the national level is a high-stakes endeavor that countries cannot afford to get wrong. We work with governments around the world to assess their digital maturity and identify opportunities to accelerate their digital transformation journey. 

Digital Services Transformation

To transform the end-to-end digital journey, CM reimagines the entire experience by addressing citizens’ major pain points and unmet needs, deploying digital technologies, and streamlining underlying processes through techniques such as lean, automation, and robotics. 

Agile Enterprise for Public Sector

Agile is a new way of working that enables a public organization to be more nimble, more focused on citizen value, more attractive to talent. It also helps drive better outcomes and achieve impact by delivering services and products to constituencies more quickly. 

Innovation in Governments

Our pragmatic approach is built around these five pillars of government innovation:

Pillar 1


Does the agency recognize the importance of innovation? Is it strategically advancing... 

Pillar 2

Responsive Design

Is there a process in place to develop ideas to support innovation 

Pillar 3


Is innovation absorbed throughout the culture and which ideas are chosen for execution?

Pillar 4


Is the agency able to execute on innovative ideas using both internal and external capabilities? 

Pillar 5

Awesome Reports

A closer look at how agencies are planning, managing and measuring the impact and benefits of government innovation.


31 Khalij Al Khor Street
Emad El Din
Downtown, Cairo, Egypt


Phone: +201000101714
Fax: +201000101715
WhatsApp: +201000101714